Sunday, January 10, 2016

Is it okay for me to wear a facial mask?

So I was eating lunch with a girl I work with a couple of weeks ago and I was telling her how no matter what I do I can't clear my face up (this is how you socialize when you work at a school and none of the guys are normal).  So before Christmas break she bought me this exfoliating mask.  Aztec Healing Clay.  Apparently the internet was buzzing this summer about how it's a must-have for any pizza-face out there.  Now I don't look like Robert The Bruce but I do struggle with acne.  Blackheads, inflammatory redness, the works.  My skin's also oily af.  The grease runoff from my face should probably clog my shower drain.

Bottom line is I needed to do something about it.  I'm 25 and nothing I've ever done my entire life has helped.  Clearasil, neutrogena, proactive.  All garbage (I'm pretty sure accutane works like a charm but you can't drink on it for like two months).  I was a little dubious about accepting this gift but then I thought about it - it's 2016.  There's no doubt guys are getting more in touch with their feminine side and chicks dig it.  The days of inviting the hot, rugged guy nextdoor over to fix the sink in his pocket-T and stone washed Wranglers are over.  The days of falling in love with the guy down the hall who wears exfoliating masks on Sundays are just beginning.

In all seriousness, cleaning your skin takes a lot of discipline.  It's tough to will yourself to rub rough, abrasive cleanser on your face every night right before you go to bed.  Half the week I'm too drunk to remember to brush my teeth before I fall asleep.  That's why I can get down with this mask.  It's so easy.  Just add water and whip up a little paste in a dixie cup, spread that shit on, put on some football and let the chemicals go to work.  And it WORKS.  I mean I haven't seen any tangible results yet.  I've been doing it for two weeks and I still look like fucking Jake Coker.  But my face is PULSATING.  I'm talking like 200 beats per minute.  It got so stiff it felt like I was being frozen in carbonite.  That's how you know something is doing it's job.  Shouldn't be too long before people start accusing me of airbrushing my IG pics.


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