Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Rex and the Bills claim IK Enemkpali

When I first heard this rumor earlier today I pretty much shook it off and didn't think too much about it.  But of course it happened.  The fact that YESTERDAY this guy broke his starting quarterback's jaw with a sucker punch in the locker room, was immediately cut and may now be facing legal ramifications for it, and TODAY Rex signed him as soon as he could is mind boggling but really actually isn't.

Cause that's what Rex does.  He has this mentality that he can fix everyone and make them fit in.  Whether it's taking a selfish asshole like Santonio Holmes and trying to make him a team captain or signing a fringe NFL player who beats up cops and punches teammates and trying make him a contributor.  He thinks that he can just take all these awful, shitty pieces and throw them in a stew and brew them together because he's this great football wizard.  But it doesn't work.  The chemistry always sucks and Rex always seems too busy trying to put together a "bully" that he never does enough to orchestrate a functioning offense.

Nothing helps learning from a mistake more than being immediately rewarded for it.

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