Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Two Daughters Are Taking Their Dead Dad To Court Because They Can't Collect $20 Million In Inheritance Until They're 35

DAILY MAIL - Two sisters who cannot access their $20million inheritance until they are either married with children or turn 35, are taking their case to court.  
Millionaire Maurice Laboz, who died earlier this year aged 77, decided daughters Marlena, 21, and Victoria, 17, will each be given $10million.  

But the New York City real estate mogul stipulated that the pair can only collect it under his strict terms including getting married and graduating from an 'accredited university', if they want it before their 35th birthdays.
The siblings now hope to challenge the rules in a Manhattan court on August 12, the New York Post reports.  Laboz set out several rules for his daughters, where they can earn various thousands of dollars for completing his wishes.

For example, if she marries before 35, Marlena will get $500,000, but only if her husband signs a sworn statement that he will not touch the money. 

She will earn another $750,000 if she graduates 'from an accredited university' and writes '100 words or less describing what she intends to do with the funds'. Trustees overseeing the money and appointed by Laboz must approve the essay. 

Starting in 2020, each daughter will be guaranteed an annual payout of three times the income listed on their personal federal tax return. 

They could earn the same amount if they act as 'a caregiver' for their mother, Ewa Laboz, 58, whom their father was in the midst of divorcing when he died. 
Ewa Laboz received nothing in the will and has also said that she plans to contest it. 

Laboz justified leaving her out of the will by citing a 'prenuptial agreement, which limits her rights'. 
'People try to control from the grave, but I've never seen it as bad as this,' said lawyer Raoul Felder.

First of all, calling these rules "bizarre" and "strict" is ridiculous.  It sounds like this guy just wanted his daughters to graduate college and get married and not blow $20 million on coke and shoes.

But these girls have a point here.  Their father has effectively taken all of the fun out of the $10 million by attaching all of this responsibility to it.  Get a job? Take care of mom? Write a coherent paragraph that has to be approved by a board of trustees?  No thanks.  What exactly is the point of having money if you have to do things?  If I'm them I'm fighting this tooth and nail. 

This was a great move by the dad btw.  Because make no mistake, handing over a 21-year-old one $10 million lump sum payment for doing nothing is an absolute death sentence. 


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