Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Same Shit, Different Day

Business as usual.  Nothing to see here, just another ho-hum 13 run bludgeoning of some poor pitching staff.  All this team does is score touchdowns.  They've scored 90 runs in their last 10 games and 9 of those games were played on the road.  Think about that.  Now they're back in the friendly confines of Yankee Stadium and I'm legitimately scared for Steven Wright and Eduardo Rodriguez.  These guys are just rookies.  If the Red Sox are smart they'll spot start these next two games with a couple of journeymen veterans because the buzz-saw they're about to walk into might just destroy their confidence forever.

As far as Tanaka is concerned, he couldn't have looked any better through the first four innings.  He sort of unraveled in the fifth and gave up the big home run to Sandoval in the 7th so Girardi pulled him after just 88 pitches.  I was fine with that because I love our chances with a lead and just 9 outs to get between Wilson/Betances/Miller but I have no clue what he was doing pulling Wilson with a 1-2 count against a lefty in Jackie Bradley who is hitting .109.  I love Betances and trust him implicitly but I honestly wouldn't be surprised if this crazy move actually threw him off.  For a second it looked like it was about to backfire when he threw about 4 pitches in the dirt past McCann but he got through it and took Joe off the hook.

I also have to tip my cap to Henry Owens.  He was this close to losing the game in the 1st but he beared down and got out of it just having given up one run and pitched really well the rest of the way.  But the Yanks got him out of the game in the 6th and that was all she wrote.  Can't throw middle relieves against this lineup right now.  You'll get flattened 100 times out of 100.  

60 wins, 15 games over with no signs of slowing down and Severino on the way tomorrow.  This team isn't peaking, they're just getting started.

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